k3s on Hetzner

Intro - k3s on hcloud Recently, I found myself wanting to learn more about kubernetes, as well as spending some time on both running and managing a cluster of my own. Renting a cluster from cloud providers like Azure, GCP and AWS, is straightforward but then I’d have cough up a lot of money for little compute. Additionally, I wouldn’t really be managing the servers or nodes if I went with a managed solution....

February 2, 2024

OpenSSH CA Signed Host Keys

Introduction Recently I had to set up a few servers to be used for a k3s cluster. While I was setting them up I was reminded of the “TOFU” (Trust-on-first-use) flow that most people use when connecting to ssh servers for the first time. TLDR: when you connect to a ssh server for the first time you are presented with a identifier of the server’s public key. You are prompted to verify that this key is the expected one and really comes from the server you are trying to connect to....

January 27, 2024